We Can Help You Prevent Alzheimer's
If you’ve seen Alzheimer’s in your family, you may feel fear, anxiety, or uncertainty about your own future. It’s natural to wonder if you’re at risk and what steps you can take now to protect your brain health.
While the search for a "magic pill" continues to dominate the conversation, there’s good news: a proven, holistic approach can help you prevent cognitive decline before it starts.
Please know, there is hope. By making targeted lifestyle changes, you can build cognitive resilience and dramatically reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Contact us today to learn more about taking proactive steps to protect your brain health.
Michael Sanders, a Certified Health Coach in the ReCODE 2.0 protocol, specializes in this groundbreaking program. ReCODE is the first comprehensive, personalized approach designed to optimize cognitive, physical, and emotional health while reducing dementia risk.
With years of experience in cognitive health, Michael can help you create a sustainable plan to keep your brain sharp and resilient for years to come.

Did You Know?
The average age of Americans with dementia is
49 years old. (1)
The results of the first clinical trial to reverse cognitive decline have been published. 84% of trial participants showed improvement in their symptoms.(2)
Changes in the brain that lead to dementia begin 20-30 years before diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
(1) Link to BCBS study https://www.bcbs.com/the-health-of-america/reports/early-onset-dementia-alzheimers-disease-affecting-younger-american-adults
(2) Link to Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease study https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad215707
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At our consultation, I will answer
any questions you may have, and we’ll make sure working together feels like a good fit.

Even if You Are at Risk for
Developing Cognitive Decline,
There is Hope if You Start Early...
Starting early, especially in your 40's, 50's, or even 60’s is your best defense to prevent cognitive decline. Using proven methods and a personal approach, I'll work with you on your prevention program that addresses your specific health risks for developing dementia.
Enhance Cognition, Undo Decline
The End of Alzheimer’s Program is the first protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at any age