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Meditation Hand Gesture


Coffee Creamer:

Coconut Milk:

Healthy Fats:

Bone Broth

Protein Powder:

Baking Supplies:


Gluten-Free Bread:



  • Turmeric

  • Onion

  • Garlic

  • Fennel Seed

  • Cayenne

  • Ginger

  • Ground Cloves

  • Cardamom

  • Cinnamon

  • Black Pepper

  • Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

Gut Health:



Keto Recipes:


Green Veggie Smoothie

Be sure to choose fresh, ripe ingredients and wash them well before using. Whenever possible, choose organic!



  • 1 large kale leave

  • 1 rainbow chard leaf with stem

  • 1/2 large carrot

  • 1/2 large avocado, peel and pit removed

  • 1 celery stalks

  • 1/4 lemon, peeled

  • 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries

  • 1 parsley sprig

  • 1 scoop of hydrolyzed collagen powder (10 grams of protein)

  • Cold water, to your liking, and ice if desired


Blend it up for a tasty and nutrient dense treat!

Kale Smoothie

  • 1 scoop of hydrolyzed collagen powder (10 grams of protein)

  • 1 Kale leave, chopped

  • ½  Avocado

  • Avocados contain: Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Potassium, Folate, Dietary Fiber, B6 and Copper!

  • 1/4 lemon (juice)

  • Lemons are such a fantastic source of vitamin C. They also help absorb the iron found in other foods, like kale!

  • Water to desired thickness: Add crushed ice if you wish


Blend it up for a tasty and nutrient dense treat!

​Into blender place:

​1 cup liquid

1-2 scoop protein powder 

(aim for 10-20 grams protein)

1/2 - 1 cup no-sugar-added

fresh or frozen fruit

water; almond milk, hemp milk,

diluted 100% juice (i.e., 1/4 c. juice + 3/4 c. water)

Collagen, whey, or plant based

If using fresh fruit, add ice cubes to make it slushy. Berries are best for the anti-oxidant benefit and small amounts of peaches or mangos mixed in can add flavor and variety

1 Tbs. ground or milled

flax seed or flax oil

1 Tbs. nut butter, optional

almond, cashew or sunflower seed butter to provide quality fat 

Blend thoroughly; serve immediately.


Serves 1


May be frozen and eaten later but is best tasting fresh from the blender.


*Use organic ingredients whenever possible.


Avocado Soup.png

Creamy Avocado Soup

Vegetarian VeganSide DishEntree


This no-frills recipe is creamy, dreamy, and easy to make. Soups aren’t just for winter; they are a great dish to prepare on a hot summer day when you don’t want to heat up the kitchen. We are putting a twist on avocados and soups with this one. This soup can also double as a sauce or dip if you replace the almond milk with any type of approved KetoFLEX 12/3 yogurt.  


To enjoy hot, replace the cucumbers with broccoli. Sauté the vegetables in ghee or avocado oil. Replace the almond milk and water with hot bone broth.


I highly recommend a Vitamix blender.


Yield: 6 cups



  • 2 large english cucumbers, quartered

  • 2 avocados, ripe, peeled, and pitted

  • 2 green onions, chopped

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 2 tbsp fresh cilantro

  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice

  • ½ cup water

  • ½ cup almond milk, plain unsweetened

  • Sea salt to taste

  • Fresh ground pepper

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • Toppings: Top with a drizzle of high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) to get some extra healthy fat and chopped veggies of your choice.



  1. Place all items in a large blender and blend on low until very smooth.

  2. Transfer to a covered container and chill for 2 hours or more before serving.

  3. Add toppings and enjoy.

Nutritional Information Per 1 Cup


  • Calories: 100

  • Total Fat: 7g

  • Saturated Fat: 1g

  • Total Carbohydrates: 10g

  • Fiber: 4g

  • Net Carbohydrates: 6g

  • Protein: 1.5g

  • Animal Protein: 0g

Cauliflower soup.png

Fall Cauliflower Soup

Vegetarian Vegan


This flavorful cauliflower recipe is an easy and delicious fall favorite. Not only is this soup comforting, but it is also deeply nourishing.  The stars in this soup are turmeric and cauliflower. Turmeric contains many healing benefits giving the soup its beautiful yellow color, and cauliflower is naturally packed in B and C vitamins and fiber. Serve this soup as the main course or as a side dish on a chilly night and enjoy!


Yield: 3 servings



  • 1 large head of cauliflower cut into 6 to 8 large chunks

  • 1/2 large carrot or two small carrots peeled and cut into four pieces

  • 1 thumb size piece of ginger peeled and cut into four pieces

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • 2 tbsp. turmeric powder

  • Black pepper

  • Pink Himalayan sea salt

  • 1 cup coconut milk unsweetened, or 1 cup unsweetened almond milk if you hyperabsorb dietary fat.



  • Coconut milk, full fat*

  • Your favorite dried herbs, I used thyme, dill works well too

  • Freshly ground black pepper



  • Bring 6 cups of water (48oz) to a boil in a large pot. Add the cauliflower, carrots, and ginger. Cook for about 20 minutes on medium heat until your veggies are thoroughly cooked through and are very soft.

  • Turn the heat off your soup and let it completely cool.

  • Using a high-power blender, blend your soup until smooth.

  • Add in salt to taste, turmeric, and black pepper to taste, garlic and the coconut milk. Blend.

  • Transfer the soup back to the pot and heat on lo-medium.

  • Serve your soup; use a spoon to drizzle on an extra bit of coconut milk. Sprinkle with your favorite dried herbs and enjoy!

Nutritional Information Per Serving made with coconut milk


  • Calories: 100

  • Total Fat: 2g

  • Saturated Fat: 0g

  • Total Carbohydrates: 16g

  • Fiber: 6g

  • Net Carbohydrates: 10g

  • Total Protein: 6g

  • Animal Protein: 0g


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